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10 Best Honey Face Masks For Beautiful Skin

Most of us often admire our grandmother’s amazing skin and wonder what they did in those days to keep their skin looking young and glowing for such a long time. The older generation relied on simple kitchen beauty masks and hardly used any artificial cosmetics. In those days, most women used natural products like honey to prepare homemade face masks to enhance their beauty. Honey face masks are a part of ancient wisdom passed over generations. Using honey for facial masks can be an easy way to make your skin supple and glowing.

Benefits of using honey face masks:

  • Honey is known to have humectant properties, which means it has a tendency to attract and retain water. This quality of honey makes it an ideal choice for many cosmetics targeted towards dry skin-related issues.


  • Honey is loaded with antioxidants that guard the skin against damage caused by the sun and atmospheric pollutants. This benefit of honey makes it indispensable for any anti-aging treatment. It helps build collagen and keeps your skin looking young and smooth for a long time.


  • Studies have confirmed the natural antibacterial properties of honey. Certain enzymes present in honey produce hydrogen peroxide which supports its antimicrobial activities. It helps prevent bacteria from entering any wound and can be used on cuts and abrasions to help expedite healing.


  • Raw honey is great for eczema due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Individuals suffering from psoriasis or eczema can safely use honey to soothe their skin inflammation.


Raw Honey or Processed Honey For Skin

Processed honey(Regular honey) is processed in a variety of ways that flushes out most of its nutrients which benefit your skin. Pasteurization makes it look and taste great but reduces its effectiveness.

Raw honey, on the other hand, comes straight from the beehive and is simply strained for our use. It retains almost all of its nutrients and antioxidants which promote healing and rejuvenation.


Tips before applying the Honey face mask:

  • Always clean your face and pat dry before applying any masks
  • You can use regular store-bought honey, but for best results try using raw honey or manuka honey.
  • Post applying and cleaning the face mask, always apply some good quality moisturizer.


How to make face masks with honey for glowing skin?

Honey is almost like a miracle ingredient used in most of the DIY facial masks prepared for skin glow and anti-aging. It blends well with most ingredients and is easily found in most kitchen cabinets.


Here are few facial DIY masks made with honey:

Face Pack For Dry Skin


a) Honey and Milk Cream (Malai) Pack

Ingredients Needed

  • 2 tsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp of Milk Cream

Mix Fresh cream and honey and make a paste. Apply it all your face and neck.  Wait for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Honey helps retain moisture and fresh milk cream helps nourish dull and dry skin

b) Honey and Avocado Pack

Ingredients Needed

  • 2 tsp of Milk
  • 2 tsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp of Mashed Avocado

Mix avocado, milk, and honey in a bowl. Apply it over your skin and let it sit for 20 minutes. Wash off with water. Avocado is loaded with healthy fats and many nutrients that help fight dryness and make your skin look soft and supple.

Face Pack For Skin Whitening


a) Honey Saffron Face Pack

Ingredients need

  • 4-5 strands of Saffron
  • 2 tsp of Honey
  • 2-3 tsp of Hot Milk

Add the saffron strands to the hot milk. Let it soak for 30 minutes. Now add honey and mix it well with saffron milk.  Apply this mixture all over your skin and wait for 20 minutes and wash off with water. Saffron is well known for its ability to reduce overproduction of melanin pigment, thus helps in lightening your skin tone.

b) Honey Licorice Face Pack

Ingredients Needed

  • 2-3 tsp of Honey
  • 2 tsp Licorice powder

Mix licorice powder and honey to make a thick paste. You can also add a few drops of lemon if you want. Spread it evenly all over your skin. Let it stay on for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.


Face Pack For Oily Skin


a) Fuller’s Earth and Honey Face Pack

Ingredients Needed

  • 1 tsp of Honey
  • 2 tsp of Multani Mitti (fuller’s earth)
  • 2-3 tsp of Rosewater

Mix honey, fuller’s earth, and rose water to make a paste and apply over your skin. Let it stay on for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

b) Bentonite Clay and Honey Face Mask

Ingredients Needed

  • 2 tsp of bentonite clay
  • 1 tsp of Honey
  • 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar

Mix everything in a bowl and make a smooth paste. Apply it to your face and neck. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Face Pack For Acne


a) Honey Tomato Mint Face Pack

Ingredients Needed

  • 2 tsp of honey
  • 1/2 tomato
  • 5-6 mint leaves
  • Tea tree oil

Grind tomato and mint leave together to make a paste. In this paste add a  drop of tea tree oil and honey. Now mix everything together. Apply over your face and neck. Wait for 15 minutes and wash off with water.

b) Bentonite honey clove oil Face mask

Ingredients needed

  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 2 tsp bentonite clay
  • Clove oil
  • 2 tsp water

Mix bentonite clay with water and honey to make a paste. Now add a drop of clove oil to this mixture. Apply it all over your acne affected area. Wait for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.


Face Pack For Anti-Aging


a) Honey Vitamin E Almond  Pack

Ingredients needed

  • 4-5 Soaked Almonds
  • one vitamin E capsule
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp Almond oil

Remove the almond skins and grind them into a fine paste. Break open the vitamin E capsule and add it to this paste. Now add almond oil and honey to this mixture. Mix properly and apply it all over your face and neck. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

b) Cocoa Butter Honey Pack

Ingredients Needed

  • ¼ cup of cocoa butter
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1 vitamin E capsule

Melt cocoa butter in a bowl. Break open the Vit E capsule and add it to the butter. Now add the honey and mix everything properly to make a paste. Spread it evenly all over your face and neck. Wait for 20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.

You may also like to read: 8 Home Remedies To Get Fair Skin Naturally

Depending upon your skin issues, pick and choose any of the above listed facial masks and apply it regularly. Eat well and avoid stress. Always remember, beauty is not just an outside job, your digestive health and immunity also plays a big role in it. Not only should you apply honey but make sure you include it in your daily diet as well. Try using manuka honey or raw honey instead of any kind of processed honey from the market.





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