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12/12 Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

There are various approaches to weight loss. Intermittent fasting is one of those approaches that has gained popularity recently. Regular, quick fasts, or intervals when little to no food is consumed, are part of the intermittent fasting eating pattern. There are various forms of intermittent fasting, including 16/8, OMAD, alternate-day, and others. But if you’ve never tried intermittent fasting before, you could find these strategies to be too constricting. Therefore, 12/12 intermittent fasting is the ideal intermittent fasting technique for beginners. In addition, by allowing your body to enter ketosis, this overnight fasting strategy is thought to have promising effects on your metabolism and weight loss.

Let’s learn more about the 12/12 fasting system, including how it functions, its advantages, and how to adhere to it.

What is 12/12 Intermittent Fasting?

A form of intermittent fasting called 12/12 intermittent fasting allows you to eat for 12 hours of the day and fast for the rest of the 12 hours. Due to the 12-hour eating window and nighttime fasting, it is also called nightly fasting.

For instance, if you eat your dinner at 8 p.m., you can have your morning meal after 12 hours, i.e. at 8 a.m. This is the most basic kind of fasting, especially for those trying to lose weight.

What are the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

The primary advantages of 12/12 intermittent fasting are that it allows your body to concentrate on cellular restoration during the overnight fast, improves mental health, lowers insulin resistance, and, for many women, helps with weight loss.

Insulin Resistance

Reduced insulin resistance and 6% blood sugar reduction are two benefits of intermittent fasting. In addition, up to 31% less insulin is produced on a fast. This offers great protection against type 2 diabetes. The study suggests that it may be used as adjunctive therapy for individuals with metabolic syndromes in order to avoid the onset and progression of chronic diseases linked to lipids and blood sugar.

Less Inflammation

Many age-related disorders, including dementia, diabetes, osteoporosis, elevated blood pressure, etc., are influenced significantly by low-grade inflammation. Therefore, the danger of these inflammations is decreased, and age-related illnesses are avoided by fasting and calorie restriction.

Fasting may help in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases because it lowers oxidative stress, encourages autophagy, and has other beneficial effects. Fasting also reduces inflammation because it helps the body detoxify more effectively.

Cellular Restoration

Sleeping during most of the 12-hour fasting window—hopefully 7-8 hours—allows your body to start repairing its cells and enter crucial hormonal cycles.

Giving our bodies ample time to rest also enables our cells to discharge waste. This mechanism is crucial for anti-ageing, according to studies.

More concentration

The brain’s neuronal network performs better due to the metabolic transition to use ketone bodies as fuel. The 12/12 intermittent fasting improves attention because it improves the performance of the neural circuits involved in cognition and emotion. It is thought to boost learning and memory significantly.


You give your body a chance to rid itself of toxins by fasting for 12 hours. When you stay properly hydrated while fasting, your body can effectively eliminate toxins from your system through sweat and urine.

For digestion and detoxification, your body requires energy. However, during a fast, your body is entirely consumed by the process of cleansing. You accomplish the best cleaning, cellular repair, and healing possible in this method, which is essential for better health. Regular detox makes your skin glow from within Best Detox Water Recipes For Clear Skin

Weight Loss

There will be a metabolic change while you are fasting for 12 hours. Your body switches to using fat reserves for energy when its supply of glucose runs out. As a result, your body is compelled to use the fat it has stored while you fast for 12 hours; this causes you to lose weight.

The metabolism is improved by time-restricted feeding, which limits food intake to a few hours. Obese people who followed an 11-hour eating window saw a decrease in body weight, citing a survey report. The study’s subjects also reported improved energy and better sleep.

Better Workout

When exercising with a limited supply of carbs, muscle cells adapt to using their stored fat as fuel. This indicates that your body burns more fat for energy when you work out within your 12-hour fasting window.

A study was done to determine the impact of working out following an overnight fast. The findings showed that fasting in young, healthy males enhanced skeletal muscle adaptation after exercise.

How to do 12-hour intermittent fasting for weight loss?

Any fasting regimen should be started cautiously for the best results. It is optional to begin your fast with a 12-hour period. Give your body some time to adjust to the fasting schedule. You can gradually extend your fasting window by starting with an early dinner. If you are accustomed to eating as soon as you wake up, start your morning gently by delaying any food for 30 minutes, then an hour, and so on. You can increase your fasting window in this manner from 8 to 9 hours to a total of 12 hours.

When preparing for a 12/12 intermittent fasting, attempt to maintain a schedule and choose your fasting window. You can decide between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or 9 a.m. Depending on your regular routine, your body will adjust to the fasting and feeding schedule better if you have a set habit.


Q: Is a 12-hour fast enough for weight loss?

A: Yes. It is sufficient to get started with 12/12 fast and give your body a much-needed break from constant binging. 12 hour fast is enough to lose weight however you need to combine it with 30 minutes of exercise every day and a good sleeping schedule. Avoid junk and eat clean.

Q. 12 hour fasting rules?

A. Choose any 12-hour time gap and stick to it every day. It can be 9 am to 9 pm or 8.30 am to 8.30 pm, choose as per your daily activity schedule and follow it every day.

To Wrap Up

Fasting for 12 hours is a successful approach to losing weight and enjoying the additional health benefits among the different intermittent fasting strategies that are accessible to dieters.

You may also like to read: 10 Belly Fat Burning Juice Recipes You Should Drink Every Morning

In addition to helping to jump-start weight loss and increasing metabolism, fasting for so long is surprisingly simple to complete.

You, too, can experience improved health and eventual weight loss success by adhering to a few simple intermittent fasting guidelines.




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