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5 Easy Yoga Poses To Lose Belly Fat: Do It AT Home

Belly fat is one of the most difficult parts to lose when you are on a weight loss journey. Even if you are following a perfectly balanced diet, losing fat from the belly area can be a challenge. This is where yoga comes to help you. Just doing some easy yoga poses will help you achieve your desired results.

Benefits of yoga?

Yoga has been around 5000 years and is increasingly getting popular around the world. Yoga not only helps tone our body but also helps fight depression, blood pressure, anxiety, digestion, and many more such diseases. It helps maintain flexible muscles and may also help prevent arthritis. Those who have a hyperactive mind and find it difficult to fall asleep at night should yoga a try. Some of the popular forms of yoga are power yoga, hatha yoga, Iyengar yoga, however in case you are a beginner doing complicated yoga poses can be difficult. Here are some simple and easy poses of yoga that should help you get started.

List of 5 easy poses of yoga

Here are some simple yoga poses for beginners that can be done in the comfort of your home. Make sure to try them out, you will be surprised at the results.

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1.Stand straight on your mat. Now inhale and lift both your palms and close them in prayer position.

2.Inhale deeply and slowly raise your arms over your head. Keep your palms together and bend backward. Push your hips slightly forward as you are bending backward. Your biceps should be close to your ears. This pose should stretch your spine as you bend backward.

3.Exhale and bend your upper half body from the waist. Try touching your palms to the floor.

4.Now inhale and bring your right knee towards your chest and rest your palms in line with this knee. Push your left knee as back as possible. Hold this position with your head facing straight ahead.

5.Now inhale and place one leg back and position your body in a parallel line to the ground.

6.Now exhale and lower your torso parallel to the floor. Rest your knees, palms, and chin on the floor. Your posterior should be raised above the ground.

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7.Place your palms on the ground close to your chest. Applying pressure on your hands raise your upper torso in a cobra position, inhale while doing so.

8.Lie down on your stomach and slowly raise your hips to form an inverted ‘V’ shape. Breath normally in this position.

9.Now inhale and bring your right knee towards your chest and rest your palms in line with this knee. Push your left foot as back as possible. Hold this position with your head facing straight ahead.

10.Exhale and bring your left foot forward and bend your upper half body from the waist. Try touching your palms to the floor.

11.Inhale deeply and slowly raise your arms over your head. Keep your palms together and bend backward. Push your hips slightly forward as you are bending backward. Your biceps should be close to your ears.

12.Now coming back to our first position, stand straight and close your palms in meditation.

dhanurasana easy yoga pose

2.Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

This pose stretches your entire torso and helps tone the stomach area. It may look difficult but is quite an easy yoga pose. With a little practice, anyone can do.

1.Lie down on the stomach with your hands on each side of your body.

2.Exhale. Lift and bend your knees. Now try to reach back towards your feet with your hands and hold them.

3.Breath normally and try to hold this position for 30 secs. Repeat thrice.

4.Exhale and release the position and relax.

easy yoga pose

3.Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This is a great asana for beginners. It is an extremely easy yoga pose that helps strengthen your core, reduce belly fat, and improves digestion. This pose provides a good stretch to the body and also helps ease constipation.

1.Lie on the floor with your face down. Let your hands stretch on each side of the body.

2.Stretch your legs back.

3.Inhale and gradually lift your upper body.

4.Your pose should resemble that of a cobra.

5.Hold this pose for 30 secs looking straight ahead and keep breathing normally.

6.Return back to normal position. Repeat the asana thrice and relax.

easy yoga pose

4.Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

This back-bending yoga asana is extremely beneficial in reducing fats from the belly, arms, and thighs. It allows a good stretch in your upper body. Ustrasana is comparatively an easy yoga pose and its regular practice reduces tummy fat. Besides improving the body’s flexibility, it also helps digestion.

1.Kneel on the mat and place your hands on your pelvis.

2.The sole of your feet should be upward towards the ceiling. Also, your shoulders should be in line with your knees.

3.Inhale and start bending your upper torso backward.

4.Allow your hands to reach back to touch and hold each heal.

5.Hold your neck in a neutral position do not let it completely hang backward.

6.Stay in this position for 30 secs and return back to normal posture and relax.

easy yoga pose

5.Boat Pose (Naukasana)

This yoga pose stimulates your intestines and thyroid gland. It is quite easy yoga asana and helps strengthen your abdominal muscles. Regular practice of this pose helps lose belly fat as well as reduce stress levels.

1.Lie on the mat and place your hands on the floor and legs together.

2.Now lift your torso and feet off the ground. Stretch both of your arms towards your feet.

3.Keep your upper body straight in such a way that it forms a ‘V’ shape with your elevated legs.

4.You should feel the pressure around your stomach area.

5.Hold the position for 15-30 secs. Breathe normally.

6.Exhale and come back to normal position. Relax then repeat thrice.

You may also like to read: Home Remedies For Piles or Hemorrhoids

We hope the easy yoga poses will help you fight stubborn belly fat. They simple to do and are extremely effective.











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