How to Get Rid of Cankles: Causes, Diet & Exercises

How to Get Rid of Cankles: Causes, Diet & Exercises

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In non-medical terms, the thicker portion of the lower leg that connects the ankle and the calf is referred to as the cankle. This area can be disproportionately large or small in some cases. Swelling causes the cankles to change in size in certain patients. The cankle can be as big as or bigger than the calf in certain people, and in some cases, it can be bigger than the thigh. In order to know how to get rid of cankles continue reading.

Let’s understand the exact meaning of cankles, the causes, and most importantly, how to get rid of the cankles.

What are Cankles?

how to get rid of cankles

It’s a slang phrase for ankles that aren’t clearly defined between the calf and the foot. It’s also known as ‘chubby ankles’ or ‘calf ankles,’ and it’s not a medical problem in and of itself, though it can be an indication of other problems. So, how can you tell if you’ve got cankles? The ankle is thinner than the calf in a typical leg. People with cankles, on the other hand, have different legs. Cankles are characterized by a calf and ankle area that is roughly the same size. Calf definition is nearly non-existent, and the lower leg appears to be fatter than usual.

Cankle formation is influenced by a variety of factors. The main causes of cankles, as well as the way on how to get rid of the cankles, are outlined here.

What are the main causes of cankles?

Heredity, obesity, pregnancy, lack of mobility in daily routine, fluid retention, fat accumulation, poor blood circulation, bad diet, and inappropriate fat distribution in the body due to medicine or hormonal fluctuations are all possible causes of swollen ankles or cankles.

Causes of cankles

Given below are the seven most prevalent causes of cankles:


Your anatomy’s structure is sometimes influenced by your genetics. Because of your family’s genetic makeup, you may have cankles. You may inherit thick ankles from one of your parents.

Fat can be stored in several places on the body, including the ankles. Body fat will remain body fat even if you reduce fat deposits on your ankles. The engorgement of the area between your calf and ankle is caused by fat cells in your ankle. You can’t change your genetic composition, but you can get rid of the cankles with a few simple techniques.


Varicose veins can cause pain, cramping, and swelling, mainly in the region of the ankles, when they occur during pregnancy. Pre-existing varicose veins can be aggravated by pregnancy, and many women who have veins related to pregnancy may not have recognized them before.

During pregnancy, varicose veins in the pelvis can form, putting force on blood vessels in the thighs and lower legs and causing acute swelling in the ankles, resulting in excruciating pain and suffering.

Fluid Retention

Heavy sodium consumption is associated with ankle fluid retention. The swelling of your ankles could be caused by a diet that is high in salt and sodium but poor in protein. Heavy salt consumption might cause fluid retention in the ankles. Reduce salt content in your food and try to involve whole vegetables and fruits if you want, which will lower the inflammation in your body and help you get rid of the cankles.

Hormonal Changes

Hormone levels in our bodies fluctuate as we grow older. The calves may appear thick and obese as a result of these variations. Other medications, such as those for diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, birth control, anxiety, and depression, might produce hormonal changes, which can lead to cankle formation.

Poor Blood Circulation

You will most likely develop cankles if you have a condition that promotes poor blood circulation. It can be either due to diabetes, vascular disease, or some other underlying issue.


Weight gain, whether caused by a poor diet, pregnancy, illness, or other factors, can cause fat to accumulate throughout the body. Excess fat is also stored in the feet and legs, causing swollen ankles.

Kidney and Liver Failure

The kidneys filter the blood and excrete waste through urine. Waste products build up in the blood vessels when you have a kidney illness or sickness that affects its function. Swelling of the ankles, feet, arms, and face can occur quickly as a result of this.

Cirrhosis of the liver, for example, causes a significant drop in body protein. Fluid lea][ks out of the blood vessels when albumin levels are low, resulting in swelling in the legs, arms, and face.

How to Get Rid of Cankles?

You might be thinking if it’s even possible to get rid of the cankles if you’ve ruled out a medical concern. Losing some weight is one of the key factors to getting rid of cankles.

here are a few things you may do to help slim down your lower legs.

1. Change your diet to get rid of the cankles. High-fiber foods, green leafy vegetables, and lean proteins are advised for overall wellness.

2. The exercise focused on the thigh and calf muscles, in combination with good dietary habits, can help get rid of the cankles.

Tips for Weight Loss

Portion Control

 Instead of drastically opting for a crash diet take it slow and gradually reduce your meal size. Eat smaller meals. Spread your heavy meals into small 5 meals per day.

Increase fiber in your meal

Reduce the quantity of meat on your plate by half and increase the number of vegetables. By filling up on low-calorie roughage, you’ll reduce the number of calories in your meal. Furthermore, the fibre in the vegetables will keep you fuller for longer, allowing you to eat less in the hours following your meal.

Limit saturated fat-containing foods

Foods with a high-fat content also have high-calorie content. As a result, limiting your intake of cheese, butter, and fatty meats will help you lose weight. Furthermore, many foods heavy in saturated fat also have high salt levels. You may see a difference in the appearance of your cankles in just a few weeks if you lower the amount of salt and fat in your diet.

Exercises to get rid of cankles

Even if you don’t modify your diet, there are basic workouts you can do throughout the day to improve circulation, tone your muscles, and get rid of cankles.

Calf raises on stairs

Place yourself on an elevated platform, such as a stairwell. Place your arms on your hips, stand tall, and then lift and lower your feet off the surface. This procedure should be repeated fifteen times.

In-place high-knee jogging

Stand up straight. Lift your left leg and right arm to knee height and jog in a stationary position before transferring to your right leg and left arm. Rep twenty times, increasing the speed and intensity each time.

Jump rope exercise

This childhood pastime is actually beneficial to get rid of cankles. Jump past a skipping rope that is the appropriate length for your height and do it twenty-five times in one go.

Walk everyday

Walking is an excellent exercise for everyone, but it is especially beneficial for persons who have cankles. Walking promotes leg circulation while also strengthening the calf muscles. The ankles appear smaller when the calves are larger and tighter.

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We hope the above tips will help you fight off your cankles. Start with these simple tips along with following your doctor’s advice,



Mona has been a part of the health and beauty-related industry for many years and loves writing on topics related to natural DIY, skincare, haircare, makeup, and fashion.