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10 Signs Of A Psychopath Boyfriend Beware While Dating

The word psychopath has become synonymous with a serial killer, though it is not quite correct. According to research, only 1% of the population is likely to have psychopathic tendencies. Mostly men are found to possess such psychopathic tendencies, though women can have this personality disorder as well. When trying to spot signs of a psychopath boyfriend you are supposed to look for social chameleons who can get through all situations, and feel very less guilt or remorse as they lack a conscience 

When it comes to appearances, psychopaths don’t have any external anomalies that can be spotted at one glance. The anomalies are present within their mind. They put on a mask of innocence and are masters of manipulation. You might run into one or end up dating a psychopath.

Here are 10 signs of a psychopath boyfriend

  • They Are Charismatic

One of the key features of a psychopath is their ability to charm people. They are the kind of people who would just draw you in. Psychopaths reel in their victims through flattery, telling them that their weaknesses are their strengths, trying to mirror their habits to establish a sense of trust. 

Psychopaths are a master of wooing their victims with methods that are subtle and overpowering. So, if you find your boyfriend is being extremely affectionate and trying to take things way too fast, it is best to stop dating them.   

  • They Have A Sense Of Grandiosity

Psychopaths have a tendency to think that they are very smart. This might come from their ability to manipulate people and adaptability to any situation. This sense of power and superiority can come as self-praising, bragging about their intelligence, boasting about their financial success, or who everyone loves at work and home.  

Such comments may come in a very subtle way, though they are very frequently said. if your boyfriend boasts about his qualities and achievements often, you are most likely dating a psychopath. 

  • They Are Pathological Liars

Pathological lying does not refer to the regular white lie. A person tends to lie in all situations and conditions regularly to mask their true nature. They will lie about minute details, exaggerate their stories to explain a bigger lie, and have an excuse for everything, even when an excuse is not required. 

When asked a question to confront them, they will get angry, blame others, and try to rationalize their acts instead of improving them. A person having such a tendency indicates that they might be a psychopath.     

  • They Involve You In Love Triangle

Once they woo you in with all the charm and display of affection, making you feel like the only person that they love in the world, the triangulation starts. They will start involving a third party. That person can be their former lover, someone who gives them attention, or potential mates.

They try to bring in people who they might have denounced in the past but starts showing affection to them. Psychopaths essentially do this to complicate and confuse your feelings and to create a perception that who important they are high in demand.  

  • They Prey On Your Emotions

If you find your boyfriend narrating many sob stories, portraying them as the good guy, it can be a sign that your boyfriend has psychopathic tendencies. They love to feed on others’ emotions and to do so they will narrate stories of them going through trauma or how people have hurt them. 

By doing this they try to appear innocent and gain a spot in your heart. They will say that they don’t like drama and all they want is peace. Though, contrary to what they say you will notice that they are always part of some drama or may even be the root cause of the drama.  10 Signs He Is Not The One For You

  • They Gaslight You

Another major sign of a psychopath boyfriend is their tendency to gaslight their partner. Gaslighting means that they try to belittle their partners to crumble their self-esteem and confidence so that their partners can no longer be sure of their judgments. They will do it subtly, starting with knowing the partner’s vulnerabilities and poking with them in the same area. They will constantly manipulate the other person, deny their acts, and ignore the facts when confronted. Psychopaths try to prove that their abusive behavior is not the problem but rather the partner’s reactions.  

  • They Are Attention Seekers

If you are in a relationship, where the other person seems to be draining the life and energy out of you, chances are there of him being a psychopath. Psychopaths live for others’ attention and need constant stimulation. Their demand for adoration can consume your life.

One might think that they are the only people who can make the psychopathic person happy until you realize that this role can be filled by anyone with a beating pulse.  

  • They Undermine Your Feelings

If your feeling of love and compassion have transformed into feelings of overwhelming stress and anxiety, you are for sure dating a psychopath. You will notice patterns of you apologizing to him, crying, and giving explanations to him more than you have ever in your life.    

  • They Have No Sense Of Guilt

Psychopaths lack a conscience, due to which they have no regard for morality or ethics. They cannot feel guilt or remorse. Although, they are excellent at camouflaging themselves, by pretending to feel sad about the harm they might have inflicted. They may react inappropriately by displaying frustration or anger in situations where they are expected to be ashamed or guilty. 

  • They Have A Parasitic Lifestyle  

Like parasites, psychopaths live by sucking resources from others. They have a nomadic nature, though it does mean that they cannot counterfeit. They will try to use others for amenities like money and shelter, will form bonds with influential people for their benefit, and will not keep relation with one person for a long period. 

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Psychopaths can be magnetic drawing you toward themselves as they know a lot about dealing with people. Look out for the above-mentioned signs of a psychopath boyfriend. When you are dating someone and you get the gut feeling that something is off, it is better to keep your distance from that person. Look for the given points to understand whether you are dating a psychopath or not. 


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