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Amazing Beetroot Juice Benefits: For Skin & Body

Beetroot is quite a popular vegetable in many countries across the world. They are frequently used either boiled, fried, pickled, roasted, or raw in various cuisines. They are red-purple in color but some varieties can also be found in golden color. One of the healthiest ways to have beets is to juice them. There are many beetroot juice benefits for skin, hair as well as our entire body. It nourishes our body from the inside and improves our overall wellbeing. Juicing beetroot facilitates quick absorption giving a boost of much-needed nutrition in our body.

Beetroot nutritional information

Beetroot is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. They are good sources of potassium, vitamin C, iron, copper, Vit B6, betaine, and manganese. They are a great source of nitrates. Our bodies convert nitrates into nitric oxide which helps manage blood pressure effectively.

Now we move on to some amazing beet juice benefits that you can easily derive by drinking beet juice regularly.


Beetroot Juice Benefits

1. Improve Workout Performance

Beetroot contains nitrates and studies suggest that dietary supplementation of nitrates helps improve athletic performance. Drinking beetroot juice just before your regular exercises may help improve your workout performance and boost your stamina. The nitrates present in them get converted into nitric oxide and improve the uptake of oxygen in your body making you less exhausted during your workout. Also, nitric oxide helps proper blood circulation across the body.

2. Detoxes and Cleanses Liver

Beet juice is great for the liver cleanse. The Betaine present in beetroot juice benefits the liver by flushing out harmful toxins thus improving its overall functionality. Drinking beetroot juice daily helps to keep the liver healthy and may prevent fatty deposits around the liver.

3. Glowing Complexion

Beetroot juice benefits your skin by acting as an effective blood purifier. This helps keep minor skin rashes and pimples away. It also contains vitamin C and B vitamins that help bring a glow to your skin.  Drink beetroot juice for skin benefits regularly if you want to achieve a radiant, smooth, and even-toned complexion.

4. Manage Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of developing heart disease. Beet juice benefits blood pressure by helping to balance it effectively. In case you are interested in lowering your blood pressure then you should opt for drinking beetroot juice daily. Studies have shown that nitrates present in beetroot juice help relax the blood vessels and ease the blood flow which in turn lowers the blood pressure.

5.Improves Digestion & Fights Constipation

The betaine present in beetroot increases stomach acid and boosts digestion. In case you also add some pulp to your juice, the fiber will help in keeping constipation at bay. Drinking beetroot juice can make your poop bright pink but don’t get alarmed by it.

6. Helps Fight Anemia

One of the key benefits of beetroot juice is that it can be a great source of iron. Those who have a constant issue of anemia as well as women suffering from menorrhagia should try to regularly drink beetroot juice to gain maximum benefits.

7. Prevents Cancer

Beetroot juice is loaded with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It contains an antioxidant named betalain that helps eradicate free radicals and helps prevent cancer development.

8. Weight Control

Beetroot juice is ideal for those trying to lose weight. Beets support thorough detox of the liver, flushing out almost all toxins. This helps the liver function at its best leading to effective weight loss. If used with some pulp it will also add a sufficient amount of fiber to your diet further adding to a healthy weight loss.

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When to drink beetroot juice?

It is advised to drink this juice anytime in the morning before food. In case you want an additional boost of energy then try to have a glass of fresh beetroot juice just before your workout. Those who want to use beetroot juice for skin benefits should try and have it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

How much beet juice is safe?

High quantities of beetroots can have a laxative effect on our system. Make sure to limit the juice to 1 cup per day. Juice can be prepared by mixing a medium-sized beetroot along with other fruits or vegetables.

How to make beetroot juice?

In order to maximize the beet juice benefits, it can be mixed with other ingredients. Here is a simple recipe that can be easily prepared at home.

Beetroot and Ginger Juice Recipe


½ cup raw beets. Peeled and chopped into cubes

1-inch ginger stick

½ cup red apples, chopped into cubes

1 tsp lemon juice


Add raw beets, ginger, and apples in a blender along with 1 ½ glass of water and blend it into a smoothie. Strain and pour in your favorite glass. Add the lemon juice just before serving. The apples in this juice will help in hiding the earthy flavor of beetroots.

Now that you know the various beetroot juice benefits make sure to add a glass of this wonderful juice every day in your diet. It will not only help prevent future diseases but will also help fight any health conditions mentioned above.





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